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New Works | |||||||
Museum Factory 1 | |||||||
Museum Factory 2 | |||||||
Digital Collages 1 | |||||||
Digital Collages 2 | |||||||
Digital Collages 3 | |||||||
Digital Collages 4 | |||||||
Digital Collages 5 | |||||||
Digital Object 101 | |||||||
Drawing + eachcing | |||||||
Horkay's art is epitomic in the double meaning of the word: a fragment, an incised part of something already in existence, and - just because of this incision - is an injury to the finished surface, to the tangle of writing or a finished picture. This relies on the experience that man, handing himself down through signs, simulates a kind of sense-wholeness. In these series this textual sense-wholeness appears to be ever different as different colors enter the surface at different sites. It is the same and not the same at the same time. "Once the signs are scars, then the wounds will tell tales of some non-alleviated history" (D. Kamper - Zur Soziologie der Imagination Hanser V. 1986. p. 148).
The sign will temporarily closen over the story. Who else would know this better than Freud, who, after the neurological-physiological and neuropsychical phases, so deeply doubted that it was possible "to bring to light the hidden content in its wholeness" (Konstruktionen in der Analyse 1937. in: Stud. Ausgabe Ergb. Fischer V. 1982. p. 398). |