B e l a  B a c s o

E s s a y  1 9 9 2




Bela Bacso is professor and chair of Aesthetics at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest (Hungary).

He has translated Heidegger, Gadamer, etc. into Hungarian. His Hungarian language publications include The Art of Understanding and Understanding Art(1989);

Borderlines: Hermeneutical Essays(1994); The Shadow of the Word: Understanding Paul Celan's Poetry (1996), "Because it is not us that know..."(1999), Writing and Forgetting (2001), as well as a colletion of essays in German, Die Unvermeidbarkeit des Irrtums. Essays zur Hermeneutik Junghans Cuxhaven-Dartford 1997.

Recent publikations: The Will to Truth in. Nietzsche, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science.

Nietzsche and the Sciences II. ed. Babette E.Babich Kluwer Ac. P. 1999., and "Wille zur Wahrheit" als Kunst der Interpretation in.

"Jedes Wort ist ein Vorurteil": Philologie und Philosophie in Nietzsches Denken ed. Manfred Riedel Böhlau Köln/Weimar/Wien1999